Friday, September 16, 2011
2011 USA Ultimate Northwest Plains Club Sectionals
2011 USA Ultimate Northwest Plains Club Sectionals
September 17-18, 2011
Twin Cities Polo Club
Maple Plain, MN
Take Highway I-394 West through Maple Plain to County Road 90.
Turn left (South) on County Road 90. Go .7 miles.
Turn right (West) on Turner Road. Go 1/2 mile.
The Polo Club is on the South side of the road.
Do not park on the road. The city has been known to ticket cars parked on Turner Road.
Don't forget to bring a lawn chair or blanket!
An email about this event was sent to the WBLUltimate Yahoo! Group at Fri 9/16/2011 1:46 PM
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Next Level Ultimate - Improve Your Game
Location: Lake Nokomis Park
TIme: 9:00am - 4:00pm
Sessions: Boys & Girls
This summer, Next Level Ultimate is hosting its first ever three-day clinic in Minneapolis. The mission of this clinic is to give high school players a taste of what our camps have to offer. Our counselors and staff will introduce some of the advanced fundamentals and techniques that are taught during our overnight camp sessions. If attending one of our overnight sessions isn't financially feasible for you this summer, this is a great way to save some money and still learn from some very experienced Ultimate players! And if you have attended one of our camps, this is a great opportunity to try out what you've learned!
Our Minneapolis three-day clinic will be filled on a rolling admission basis and is open to any high school players between the ages of 14-18 with no college-level experience. We have room to accommodate upwards of 40 boys and 40 girls in 2011.
Clinic Fee Structure:
Day Camper: $130 before 8/1/11, $145 after 8/1/11
-Each camper gets a camp jersey and disc, as well as an incredible elevate-your-game experience from the Next Level counselors and staff!
-No meals provided. Players must pack their own lunch.
Age/Grade Parameters:
Similar to our overnight camps, our clinic is open to high school players from the ages of 14-18. Those who have recently graduated high school and not yet attended a university are eligible to participate.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
2011 Youth Club Championships - Volunteers Needed
YCC is coming up in just 10 more days and we still need a few volunteers.
Our largest need is for scorekeepers, especially on Sunday, but of course we will accept all kinds of help. Scorekeeping is light duty. For a morning or an afternoon, you get be on the sideline and watch a lot of great Ultimate while keeping track of the current score and goals and assists. At the end of each game, you collect spirit scores from each team and return the results to the Headquarters tent and then go do it again.
And in return, we have swag to give away. You’ll get a staff shirt, an event disk and probably some other stuff; maybe even lunch. Yes, it is bribery.
This is the first year of the new U16 Open division for YCC and there are eight teams signed up. Altogether, there are 35 teams in four divisions so we’ll have games going on 16 fields at a time. This is a big jump over the 10 or 11 fields of previous years and there will be no lack of things to do.
So, sign up at, forward this message to your High School teams and parents, talk it up among your own summer league team members and come on up to Blaine for a great weekend of Ultimate.
And, as always, I thank you for all that you do for Youth Ultimate.
See you on the 13th,
Bruce L. Mebust
Tournament Director
Youth Club Championships
Cell: 612-747-7111
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Minnesota Youth Summer Ultimate League Begins June 18th!
The Minnesota Youth Summer Ultimate League is a mixed gender league that provides opportunities for all U19 and U16 youth to play Ultimate Frisbee with hundreds of other youth from around the Twin Cities Metro Area. Unlike the Spring High School League, the Summer League is intramural and consists of Youth Club teams. Youth Club teams are comprised of players from a wide variety of high schools and communities from around the Twin Cities Metro Area.
Starting on June 18th, the league will run for six Saturdays from 9:30 am until 12:30 pm and Mondays from 4:00 - 6:00 pm at Bossen Field in South Minneapolis. This year, each practice will focus on a skill and then we will scrimmage. Please bring a check (made out to MNHSUL) or cash (exact change please) for $15 and a completed USA Ultimate Medical Authorization Form to the first week of summer league.
Register today by going to Let's get as many White Bear Lake players as possible. So call up all your buddies and register today... it's only $15! Also, check out the Minnesota Youth Summer Ultimate League Facebook group. Add Friends to the Group, Share, and Like to help spread the word.
Phil Bowen will be taking the reins of the MN Youth Summer League this year. Phil began playing Ultimate at Carleton College in 1992 and has remained committed to the sport ever since. He coached the Carleton women's team from 2003-2006 including one Nationals Finals appearance. Currently he is captain of Surly, the Minneapolis masters team and Coach of CUT, the Carleton men's team that just won the USA Ultimate College Championship. Phil is excited to add his support to the strong youth Ultimate scene here in Minnesota.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
2011 Minnesota High School Ultimate State Championship
The mandatory coaches meeting will be at 8:00 a.m. sharp Saturday morning with games at 9:00 a.m., 10:40 a.m., 12:20 p.m., 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. (both days). Please, only one Coach per team at the coaches meeting. Most teams will play 4 games on Saturday with some only playing 3. Sunday all teams except for the Open and Girls championship finalists will complete their schedule at the end of the 12:20 p.m. round. The finals will be showcased with Girls and Open finals starting at 2:00 p.m.
Schedules have been posted:
* Girls:
* Open:
Click here for the Field Map. Please note the location of HQ. The official program, written by yours truly, may be downloaded here.
There is still time to volunteer and plenty of work to be done. Please go to the MNHSUL Volunteer Page and give them your contact and interest information.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Youth Club Championships (YCC) Tryouts
So, mark your calendars, YCC tryouts will be held on Saturday & Sunday, June 11 & 12, 2011 9:00 a.m. at Edward C. Solomon Park at 1301 East 58th Street Minneapolis, MN 55417. Go to either one, or both. WBLUltimate would be wise to flood Solomon Park with our talent.
Four teams will be needed: U19 Open, U16 Open, U19 Mixed, and U19 Girls. Participants will compete at the 2011 USA Ultimate Youth Club Championships, August 13-14 in Blaine, MN This will be the seventh consecutive year that the Minnesota High School Ultimate League is hosting this unique event.
Teams will be announced on June 17th. Anyone who doesn't make Open U19 team can get info about U16 team (assuming they're not 17 before June 1) at June 11/12 tryouts. Practice will likely start on Tuesday (June 14) or Thursday (June 16) afternoon.
The Minnesota Summer Club league will start Saturday, June 18th. The Summer Youth Club will be a mixed gender league. You must participate in Summer League to participate in YCC.
WBL C Black vs St. Paul Central B - Moved to May 31
An email about this event was sent to the WBLUltimate Yahoo! Group at Tue, May 31, 2011 1:46:20 PM
Thursday, May 26, 2011
2011 Chris Goeke Memorial
- Captain's meeting at 8:30
- Games begin at 9:00
- 11th edition rules, 1 timeout per game
- Awards for tournament winners and team spirit winners.
- Concessions on-site include sports drinks, Starbucks coffee, etc.
- Bagels and bananas provided to all teams, water jugs at every field.
- Field 1 is reserved for any families, spectators, or otherwise non-eligible athletes to play pick up and organize games for the day. Water and discs provided.
Good luck and Go Bears!
Today's B Game Time Moved Up - May 26
An email about this event was sent to the WBLUltimate Yahoo! Group at Thu, May 26, 2011 12:45:09 PM
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Thursday's C Black Game Postponed - May 26
An email about this event was sent to the WBLUltimate Yahoo! Group at Wed, May 25, 2011 9:39:54 PM
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
USAU Rosters
USA Ultimate rosters have now been submitted. The deadline for roster submissions was May 24, 2011. To be eligible to participate in the 2011 Minnesota High School Ultimate State Championships, students must be on a roster, with their USAU Membership dues up-to-date and waivers turned in. Thank you for getting your USAU ID #s turned into the coaching staff. No exceptions may be made with respect to roster additions.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
White Bear Lake B Team Time Change - May 19
The May 19th game White Bear Lake B vs Roseville A game is being moved up to start at 4:15 p.m. instead of 6:00 p.m. The game will still take place at Sunrise Park. Athletes should be cleated up by 3:30 for warmups.
Summary of all May 19 Games:
White Bear Lake A at Irondale A @ 6:00 p.m.
White Bear Lake B vs Roseville A @ 4:15 p.m.
White Bear Lake C Black vs Spring Lake Park A @ 4:30 p.m.
White Bear Lake C Orange at Minnetonka A @ 6:00 p.m.
Good Luck to all teams!
An email about this event was sent to the WBLUltimate Yahoo! Group at Wed, May 18, 2011 7:21:09 p.m.
White Bear Lake C Black Team Time Change - May 19
An email about this event was sent to the WBLUltimate Yahoo! Group at Wed, May 18, 2011 5:23:12 p.m.
Friday, May 13, 2011
Carpool to GCC
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Be "In The Know" Using Our Email Distribution List
Would you like to know about last minute cancellations or details on upcoming tournaments? Subscribe to our WBLUltimate Yahoo! Group and you'll be sent an email as events unfold.
The purpose of this this email distribution list is to communicate last minute schedule changes, tournaments, league policy changes, and things that require immediate attention. But posts may also include summer camp and other playing opportunities. Don't worry, you will not be spammed... in six years, only 87 message have been sent to the list.
To Subscribe, send an email to
To Unsubscribe, send an email to
It may take a few minutes to process, follow the instructions to verify your subscription.
So now, the next time a game or practice gets canceled due to bad weather, you'll be "in the know."
Ten Things You Should Know About Spirit of the Game
Spirited games result from mutual respect among opponents. Assume the best of your opponent. Give him or her the benefit of a doubt. You would want the same for yourself. But if you are thick-skinned, do not assume that your opponent is. Maybe you should think of this rule as, "treat others as you would have them treat your mother."
2. Control: SOTG takes real effort.
SOTG is not just some abstract principle that everyone adopts and then games run smoothly without effort. Close calls are made in tight games. Hard fouls are committed. SOTG is about how you handle yourself under pressure: how you contain your emotionality, tame your temper, and modulate your voice. If you initiate or contribute to the unraveling of spirit, the concept falls apart quickly. If you act to mend things (or at least not exacerbate the situation) by following (1) above, the game heals itself.
3. Heckling and taunting are different.
Ultimate has a long tradition of good-natured heckling. Heckles are friendly barbs, typically from non-playing spectators. Heckling can be fun, but taunting is unspirited and wrong. Harassing remarks after an opponent's foul call or close play are NOT heckling: they are abusive taunts which create unpleasant playing conditions and often escalate to acrimonious disputes.
4. SOTG is compatible with championship play.
It is a fallacy to argue that the stakes are so important that some aspect of SOTG can be cast aside. Time and again, great teams and star players have shown that you can bring all your competitive and athletic zeal to a game without sacrificing fair play or respect for your opponent.
5. Don't "give as you got."
There is no "eye for an eye." If you are wronged, you have no right to wrong someone in return. In the extreme case where you were severely mistreated, you may bring the issue up with a captain, tournament director, or even lodge a complaint with the governing body. If you retaliate in kind, however, a complaint may be filed against you. We recall point (1): treat others as you would have them treat you, not as they have treated you. In the end, you are responsible for you.
6. Breathe.
After a hard foul, close call, or disputed play, take a step back, pause, and take a deep breath. In the heat of competition, emotions run high. By giving yourself just a bit of time and space, you will gain enough perspective to compose yourself and concentrate on the facts involved in the dispute (was she in or out; did you hit his hand or the disc; did that pick affect the play). Your restraint will induce a more restrained response from your opponent. Conflagration averted, you may resume business as usual.
7. When you do the right thing, people notice.
When you turn the other cheek, you know you've done the right thing. You may not hear praise, there may be no standing ovation, but people do notice. Eventually, their respect for you and their appreciation of the game will grow.
8. Be generous with praise.
Compliment an opponent on her good catch. Remark to a teammate that you admire his honesty in calling himself out of bounds. Look players in the eye and congratulate them when you shake their hands after a game. These small acts boost spirit greatly, a large payoff for little time and effort.
9. Impressions linger.
Not only does the realization that your actions will be remembered for a long time serve to curb poor behavior, it can also inspire better conduct. Many old-timers enjoy the experience of meeting an elite player who remembers their first rendezvous on the field and recalls the event in detail. A good first encounter with an impressionable young player can have considerable long term positive impact.
10. Have fun.
All other things being equal, games are far more fun without the antipathy. Go hard. Play fair. Have fun.
Special thanks to Eric Zaslow and members of the 2005 Conduct Committee (Jeff Dunbar, Kate Bergeron, Eric Zaslow, Will Deaver) for the development of this document. Adopted by UPA Executive Committee, March 29, 2005.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
St. Cloud Granite City Classic - May 14-15
The following White Bear Lake teams will be participating:
White Bear Lake A
White Bear Lake C Black
White Bear Lake C Orange
Captain's meeting at 9:00 each day at the Headquarters Tent at Whitney Park. Games to begin at 9:30. Most games are over by 3:00. Please allot a minimum of 90 minutes to commute to the fields. The tournament director is Chris Reicher. Mr. Reicher may be reached at 320-492-1005 or The tournament schedule may be found here. The USA Ultimate Score Reporter for this tournament may be found here. Score Reporter for the B Division may be found here.
From I-94 – Take St. Augusta / Highway 75 Exit, go right off ramp. Follow 75 for about 6 miles to 25th Avenue South (large Tenvoorde Ford dealer on corner). Go right on 25th. Continue to 12th Street North (a T intersection), go right. Follow Northway Drive about 8 blocks (at 3 blocks street curves left) to Whitney Park (on the left, YMCA on the right)
From Highway 10 – Take Golden Spike Road/Highway 3 exit in Sauk Rapids. Top of ramp, go left. Continue on about 1 mile, cross Mississippi River, go straight thru stoplighted intersection and follow 9th Ave N about 4 blocks to Northway Drive. Go right on Northway Drive. Continue 2 blocks to Whitney Park (on right, YMCA on left).
Safety First:
• Drink water; stay hydrated.
• Seek shelter during a lightning delay, GO TO YOUR CARS.
• St. Cloud Hospital is 2 minutes from field.
• Coaches must bring normal medical kit---wraps, band-aids, cold packs, Bactine, etc.
• Coaches must have UPA Medical Authorization form for each player in case of emergency.
• If weather conditions are difficult, games may be shortened.
• Keep yourself and personal items, including but not limited to coolers, tents, strollers, bags and chairs 15 feet away from the sideline.
• For everyone's safety, please remove all earrings, jewelry, watches when playing.
Tournament Rules:
• UPA 11th edition rules. Exceptions noted below.
• Games to 13 on Saturday, 15 on Sunday.
• Each game will be 80 minutes long.
• Soft cap at 70 minutes (add 2 to the high score) signaled by 1 horn blast.
• Hard cap at 80 minutes (finish the point you are playing) signaled by 2 horn blasts.
• Time outs: 1 per half, 1 floater, for a total of 3 time outs per team.
• 5 minute Half Time at 7 points on Saturday, 8 points on Sunday.
• After each game, the score must be reported to the Headquarters tent by the winning team or called or texted to the following number: 320-492-1005. Please use this format: Open, WBL-A 13, Como Park 10.
Players should remember to bring both a light and dark shirt, snacks, and sunscreen. For a comprehensive list of what to pack in your ultimate bag see
Parents, if this is your first tournament please download this Spectator Guide to Ultimate to have a better idea of what to expect. Here are some things you may want to bring:
1. Folding chair.
2. Hat.
3. Sunglasses.
4. Sun block.
5. Food and drinks. (Especially water to stay hydrated. Oranges and trail mix are also good.)
6. A camera and/or video camera.
7. Appropriate clothing for the weather.
8. Ultimate Spectator Guide.
9. Event program/game schedule, which may be found here.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Monday, May 9, 2011
Week 6 Schedule
A Team is Home vs Como Park A
B Team is Home vs Mahtomedi A
C Black Team has a BYE
C Orange Team is Home vs Mounds View B
Good luck to all teams. Have a fun, spirited game, and be sure to apply all those rules you've been learning.
C Black at Henry Sibley B Makeup Scheduled - Tuesday, May 10 @ 6 pm
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Location Change - C Black vs CDH-B on May 5th
An email about this event was sent to the WBLUltimate Yahoo! Group at Wed May 4, 2011 11:27 am.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
St. Cloud Face-Off Tournament Wrapup
Meanwhile, the White Bear Lake B team played their hearts out all day, first by blowing away the competition in early morning pool play. Winning two post-lunch bracket games put them into the Face-Off Championship game against the best that Northfield had to offer. While White Bear Lake was on the low end of a 6-3 score, they showed fantastic spirit, shaking hands with their opponents and acknowledging individual contributions by their opponents. A huge congratulations to the WBL B team on a solid second place finish. Congratulations To All Participants!
Friday, April 29, 2011
Be "In The Know" Using Our Email Distribution List
Would you like to know about last minute cancellations or details on upcoming tournaments? Subscribe to our WBLUltimate Yahoo! Group and you'll be sent an email as events unfold.
The purpose of this this email distribution list is to communicate last minute schedule changes, tournaments, league policy changes, and things that require immediate attention. But posts may also include summer camp and other playing opportunities. Don't worry, you will not be spammed... in six years, only 87 message have been sent to the list.
To Subscribe, send an email to
To Unsubscribe, send an email to
It may take a few minutes to process. And then follow the instructions to verify your subscription.
So now, the next time a game or practice gets canceled due to bad weather, you'll be "in the know."
C Black Game vs Bloomington Jefferson Has Been Rescheduled
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Tonight's C Black Game CANCELED
An email about this event was sent to the WBLUltimate Yahoo! Group at Thu Apr 28, 2011 4:35 pm.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
B Team Caravan Leaving at 4:15 on Thursday
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Rain, Rain, Go Away - Tuesday, April 26th
A and B Teams are definitely practicing today. Athletes, be sure to dress appropriately for the weather.
An email about this event was sent to the WBLUltimate Yahoo! Group at Tue Apr 26, 2011 1:03 pm.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Face-Off Tournament - Saturday, April 30th
The following White Bear Lake teams will be participating:
White Bear Lake B
White Bear Lake C Black
White Bear Lake C Orange
St. Cloud Face-Off 1-day tourney designed for 16 inexperienced or B or JV teams – lots of games, and plenty of competition. Pool play in morning, with bracket play in afternoon. Each team will play six total games, with each game starting at the top of the hour.
The tournament will be played at Whitney Park in St. Cloud, MN. Please allot a minimum of 90 minutes to commute to the fields. The tournament director is Chris Reicher. Mr. Reicher may be reached at 320-492-1005 or
From I-94 – Take St. Augusta / Highway 75 Exit, go right off ramp. Follow 75 for about 6 miles to 25th Avenue South (large Tenvoorde Ford dealer on corner). Go right on 25th. Continue to 12th Street North (a T intersection), go right. Follow Northway Drive about 8 blocks (at 3 blocks street curves left) to Whitney Park (on the left, YMCA on the right)
From Highway 10 – Take Golden Spike Road/Highway 3 exit in Sauk Rapids. Top of ramp, go left. Continue on about 1 mile, cross Mississippi River, go straight thru stoplighted intersection and follow 9th Ave N about 4 blocks to Northway Drive. Go right on Northway Drive. Continue 2 blocks to Whitney Park (on right, YMCA on left).
Safety First:
• Drink water; stay hydrated.
• Seek shelter during a lightning delay, GO TO YOUR CARS.
• St. Cloud Hospital is 2 minutes from field.
• Coaches must bring normal medical kit---wraps, band-aids, cold packs, Bactine, etc.
• Coaches must have UPA Medical Authorization form for each player in case of emergency.
• If weather conditions are difficult, games may be shortened.
• Keep yourself and personal items, including but not limited to coolers, tents, strollers, bags and
chairs 15 feet away from the sideline.
Tournament Details:
• UPA 11th edition rules. Exceptions noted below.
• Please be on-site by 8:30 for warm-ups and Captains' Meeting (near registration tent).
• Tourney starts at 9:00 sharp with pool play (3 games from 9 a.m. to Noon).
• All teams play a total of 6 games throughout the day.
• All games start on the hour.
• Games are 9 points, half at 5. Four minute half-time. One time out per team per game.
• After scoring goal, scoring team has 90 seconds to get disc in play.
• 45 minute soft-cap. Finish the point and add two to the highest score. Play to that.
• 50 minutes hard-cap. Finish the point. If still tied, play one last point.
• Report end-scores to scoring table following each game or call/text 320-492-1005.
• Lunch break from 12:00 - 1:00 (Bring brown your own bag lunch or eat at nearby fast food joint).
• Bracket play starts at 1:00 SHARP - all teams will be guaranteed 3 bracket games.
• Tourney ends at 4:00 p.m.
Players should remember to bring both a light and dark shirt, snacks, and sunscreen. For a comprehensive list of what to pack in your ultimate bag see
Parents, if this is your first tournament please download this Spectator Guide to Ultimate to have a better idea of what to expect. Here are some things you may want to bring:
- Folding chair.
- Hat.
- Sunglasses.
- Sun block.
- Food and drinks. (Especially water to stay hydrated. Oranges and trail mix are also good.)
- A camera and/or video camera.
- Appropriate clothing for the weather.
- Ultimate Spectator Guide.
- Event program/game schedule.
An email about this event was sent to the WBLUltimate Yahoo! Group at Sun Apr 24, 2011 6:34 pm
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Tonight's Games - April 21, 2011
A Team vs St Paul Charter at Sunrise Park.
B Team vs St Paul Open at Sunrise Park.
C Black Team vs Hastings at C.P. Adams Park in Hastings.
C Orange Team vs Roseville B at Sunrise Park.
All games start at 6pm! Come cheer on your favorite Bears team and watch some great disc!
Monday, April 18, 2011
Sunrise Park Fields Are Now Open
Sunrise Park Middle School fields are now available for us to use. All practices and home games will now take place at Sunrise Park. The White Bear Lake Community Services and Recreation Department is kind enough to let us use these fields free of charge. Please treat these fields with respect by picking up all trash, be it yours or someone else's.
Thank you.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
2011 MNHSUL Game Schedules
A Team -
B Team -
C Black Team -
C Orange Team -
Games typically begin at 6:00 p.m, every Thursday. Coaches are encouraged to contact the opposing coach(es) at least two days prior to make final arrangements. Athletes are expected to arrive to the fields 30-60 minutes prior to start time for warm ups. Your coach will provide you with precise details.
Good luck to all teams this year!
C Black Team Roster
Loghan Anderson
Michael Baker
Mariela Benitez
Alina Castro
Laurel DiSera
Tyler DiSera
Jessica Henderson
Hannah Johnson
Trevor Kisling
Daniel Mulally
Jennifer Regnier
Annelise Rittberg
Kate Ross
Maggie Rupprecht
Kayla Thibault
Sawyer Wald
Marc Wallin
Phoebe Worthley
Alina Yasis
Friday, April 1, 2011
C Orange Team Roster
Sam Peterson
Zach Winkler
Alex Berlin
Troy Ullmann
James Corcoran
Katie Chapin
Julia Duvall
Helen Peightal
Kali Pohto
Hannah Semonick
Luke Wennen
Hanna Larson
Robert Moser
Patrick Krasky
Boom, posted.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Youth Ultimate in Minnesota
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Do We Really Play In This?
A: Absolutely. The only thing, in general, that stops us is lightning.
Q: What is the policy for lightning?
A: The lightning policy for safety made be found here.
Q: What should we wear in bad weather?
A: Best not to wear cotton. This applies to socks, too. Best to dress in synthetics and in multiple layers. Hats and gloves are always a good idea.
Q: Where is practice located?
A: Due to the wet conditions, we are relegated to play the first couple weeks at Bossard Park.
A & B Team Rosters
A Team
Mark Agre
Curtis Cammack
Peter Diede
Seth Donatell
Brandon Ek
Nathan Fashingbauer
Jesse Friend
Daniel Hamann
Carsten Johnson
Shawn Jones
Dillon Lang
Ryan LaRue
Brian Murphy
Brady Och
Kyle Roberts
Alex Swann
B Team
Dan Anderson
Katie Brown
Justice Farley
Robbie Fox
Josh Hosek
Zach Hubinger
Nate Karp
Bernard Lim
Conner O'Keefe
Brett Och
Amy Pastorius
Dylan Rainer
Alex Sommer
Tom Westad
Alex Westad
Mitch Worthley
Monday, March 7, 2011
Tryouts times
Thursday, March 10th at 3:30 to 5:30 @ Sunrise gym
Friday, March 11th at 3:30 to 5:30 @ Sunrise gym
Monday, March 21st at 3:30 to 5:30 @ Sunrise gym (callback session)
Tuesday, March 22nd at 3:30 to 5:30 @ Sunrise gym (callback session)
Note: If you do not get called back, your next practice will be on Wednesday, March 23rd at Bossard Park.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Registration Forms
- WBLUltimate 1 Greetings Parents.pdf
- WBLUltimate 2 Team Welcome Packet Checklist.pdf
- WBLUltimate 3 Substance Abuse & Misuse Contract and Consent.pdf
- WBLUltimate 4 Registration Form.pdf
- WBLUltimate 5 USAU Medical Authorization Form.pdf
- WBLUltimate 6 USAU 2011 Membership Registration & Waiver and Release of Liability.pdf
- WBLUltimate 7 What You Need to Know About White Bear Lake Ultimate.pdf
5. USA Ultimate Membership and $29 Dues Paid
Membership into the USAU is required by students to participate. Register
and pay ($29) online at
Correction from WBLUltimate 7 What You Need to Know About White Bear Lake Ultimate.pdf:
Q: How much does White Bear Lake Ultimate cost?
A: To participate in all games and tournaments, the total cost per student is $119. Of this money, USAU annual youth membership dues are $29. The USAU provides insurance for players during all practices and games. Every player must be a member of the USAU. The Minnesota High School Ultimate League dues are $40 and the money goes towards the Minnesota State Tournament. White Bear Lake Ultimate will collect for jerseys, additional tournament registration, and for administrative expenses, such as website hosting and the forms you are reading now.
USA Ultimate Membership Number
Get your USAU # immediately. Click to begin the process if you don't already have one, or call them at 1-800-872-4384.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Coaching Staff for 2011
Coach Jordan Farley 651-260-5427
B Team
Coach Ken Auger 651-783-6965
Coach Andy Bissen 651-491-1722
C Black Team
Coach Robert Ray 218-390-2987
Coach Luis Gutierrez 651-283-9070
Coach Jake Klasons 612-408-9546
C Orange Team
Coach Robert Ray 218-390-2987
To reach Program Director Jeff Hagen, send email to or call 651-341-9448.
To reach all of the coaching staff, send email to
Monday, February 28, 2011
What do I need to bring to practice?
Sunday, February 27, 2011
2011 Important Dates
March 1 Student Informational Meeting, WBL South campus cafeteria @ 3:00pm
March 7 Mandatory parents meeting at Jimmy's @ 7:00pm
March 9-1 Tryouts for A & B teams
March 9 MNHSUL Coaches and Captains Pre-Season Registration Clinic @ 6:30pm, Rondo Community Outreach Library, 461 N. Dale Street, Saint Paul, MN 55103, 651-266-7400
March 12-20 Spring Break
March 21-22 A & B Tryouts @ 3:00pm
March 23 First practice for all teams (depending on weather, A team indoors)
April 5 First Girls' Division game (every Tuesday)
April 7 First Open Division game (every Thursday)
April 30 St. Cloud Face-Off Tournament
April 30-May 1 Madison Mudbath Tournament
May 1 USA Ultimate Level I Coaching Clinic
May 7-8 Hopkins Hustle Tournament
May 14-15 Granite City Classic Tournament
May 14-15 USA Ultimate High School Western Championships in Corvallis, OR
May 28-29 Chris Goeke Memorial Ultimate Frisbee Tournament
June 4-5 Minnesota High School Ultimate State Championship Tournament
St. Cloud Face-Off
April 30
$75 per team
Whitney Park, St. Cloud, MN
Contact: Chris Reicher 320-492-1005
Madison Mudbath
April 30-May 1
$250 per team
James Madison Memorial High School, Madison, WI
Contact: Dan Raabe 608-663-6262
Hopkins Hustle
May 7-8
$275 per team
Twin City Polo Club, Maple Plain, MN
Contact: Tyler McKean 651-329-2073
Granite City Classic
May 14-15
$250 per team
Whitney Park, St. Cloud, MN
Contact: Chris Reicher 320-492-1005
Chris Goeke Memorial Ultimate Frisbee Tournament
$235 per team
May 28-29
Johnny Cake Soccer Complexm, Apple Valley, MN
Contact: Chris Miller and Aly Tenpas, Directors 612-840-7620
2011 USAU Minnesota High School Ultimate State Championships
$40 per person
June 4-5
Blaine National Sports Center, Blaine, MN
Contact: Minnesota High School Ultimate League