Ultimate Essentials
by Chris Van Holmes
Re-posted with Permission
Running is such a basic skill that we often take it for granted. We can all do it, some are good at it, but very few understand what they are doing. It's like walking only faster, you might think. But it's not!
Walking is taking it easy. One foot is always on the ground and as you move through your step, you roll off your foot heel to toe. Although your feet and legs are moving, you aren't exerting very much energy. Your upper body is relaxed and you're shoulders are over your hips. Running is hard work. Both feet are off the ground during each step and you are up on your toes. You are pushing hard with every step, your arms and shoulders are pumping and you're leaning forward.
In Ultimate, acceleration, and the speed or changes in direction it generates, is the most important factor in determining potential ability. (That is one reason football players are often measured by their 40 yd speed). When you run faster, your opponents can't keep up and can't get away. Running well, and fast, is a simple matter of applying a few basic principles to what you are doing. Think about these basics as you run and sprint and you'll find yourself faster, and more powerful, than ever.
What goes into running? Below are the factors that determine how fast you can run, turn, and change speed.
Step rate - steps taken per unit time.
Stride length - distance from one footfall to the next.
Speed - how fast you are moving = step rate X Stride length
Force - energy applied per unit time. The strength and speed of your muscle contractions determines the force each step generates.
Power - work done per unit time. This comes from a combination of number of contractions (step rate) times the force of each.
Acceleration - rate of change in velocity. Power determines your ability to accelerate.
Lean angle - angle from vertical of your body's axis. This determines how much of your force is converted into lateral motion.
In order to go fast we should combine our fastest step rate with our longest stride length. Unfortunately there is a trade-off between these two. The fastest step rates are by tap dancers. The longest stride lengths are by long and triple jumpers. Imagine if we could combine these two.
What this means is that we can take lots of very short steps or a few very long steps. This curve (missing) determines how we should run depending on our goals.
The most power, and acceleration, comes when you are running at a step rate faster than you would have at your maximum speed. With a high step rate, the muscles in your legs are contracting more often and generate more power. If you want to accelerate (stop, start, speed up, slow down, or turn), take more steps.
The lean angle determines the percent of the leg force that gets converted into a horizontal direction. Some people are very effective at getting a good lean as they turn or reverse directions on a cut. They stop with only one or two steps and are off in another direction. They do this with a combination of strong legs and setting up a good angle for pushing off. Sprinters start by leaning way over, supported by their hands, so that all of their push becomes forward momentum. The more you lean, the more force you can exert in the horizontal plane. The trick is to not fall over - or have your feet slip out from under you (good cleats are crucial).
What can we do to improve our acceleration? Of course the answer is practice. First work on increasing your step rate. This means shortening your stride and speeding up your arm swing. The high knee plyometric accomplishes this. Try to step as quickly as possible with very little forward motion. The most effective practice I have found for improving step rate is descending stairs. With one hand hovering over the railing, (falls are possible) step quickly down each stair. As your step rate increases with practice, it will begin to feel more and more like skiing.
Arm swing is also very important in step rate. Your arms and legs work together as harmonious pendula. If you want a quicker step, bend your elbows more, (shorter pendula oscillate faster) and speed up your swing. You'll find that your legs happily follow. Your arms also come into play on tight turns. Have you ever seen someone wildly rotating one arm as they turned to follow a cutter. This gives more stability (through gyroscopic forces) for better lean angles. Try running in a tight circle with normal arm swing. Then try it with the outside arm swinging in a big circle. You'll find you can go faster and/or run a tighter turn.
Your stride length is a more passive variable than step rate but you can work on it. Here, your reaching plyometric steps help you extend. Lunges give your muscles strength through their entire length. Of course, proper stretching helps a great deal.
Since lean angle depends on the strength of your legs it is a little more difficult to work on directly. Try stopping within one step. Plant one foot in front of you, turn to the side, and put your other foot next to the first. If you are leaning enough, you'll stop and be in a position to push off in the opposite direction.
Weight training can improve the force you generate with each step. Remember to work the muscle groups through their full range to maintain the speed of contraction. All the plyometrics put together help coordinate your muscle groups. Your acceleration is especially improved when you combine the knee raises with the butt kick. When the parts of your legs are working together, your step rate, stride length, and leg push are all increased.
Simple tricks to help your Ultimate acceleration:
1) On defense, take shorter (more) steps than your opponent. This will give you more power for acceleration.
2) Downshift (shorter steps) to speed up.
3) Shifting your arm swing will shift your step rate and stride length.
4) Stay low when anticipating a cut to get a better lean angle.
Once you've become comfortable with the techniques of running and accelerating you can apply them to your actions on the field. There is a chant about what it takes to win in Ultimate: "No great throws. No great catches. just great cuts!" It is obvious catching and throwing are much easier if the receiver is wide open. From the receiver's point of view Ultimate is all about getting open and catching the pass. This requires two things:
1) Establishing separation between receiver and defender.
2) Approaching a throwing area where a pass can be delivered.
The first is a contest between you and your defender with the simple concepts outlined in the preceding chapter determining the victor. The second may require you to take into account the thrower, the marker, other cutters and other defenders. A good offensive strategy will reduce the complexity of this task.
When the thrower is facing the mark there should be three potential areas for a reception: backhand, forehand, and deep. If these areas are not open, the cutter's job becomes much more difficult. Directly behind the marker is a triangular "dead zone" with the apex far from the marker. This is because a throw to a spot directly behind the marker is very difficult while one further away becomes easier. It is important to remember the dead zone is fluid. It can be anywhere on the field, move over time, and have almost any orientation depending on the marker.
As a receiver, your goal is to approach a throwing area with your defender behind you and not in the throwing lane while the thrower is ready to deliver the pass. Both the positioning and timing are crucial. Planned cuts and acceleration at what I call break points establish position. Communication, eye contact and deliberate fakes synchronize the thrower and cutter.
I will assume the defender is smart and fast. Your advantage is in them reacting to you. There are a quite a few ways to get position and establish separation from the defender. Each one can stand alone but they are more effective when strung together.
The most direct way of getting open is to take a position between your defender and the throwing area before you even cut. Let the thrower know where you are going with subtle communication. Be sure you go where you said you would. Against good defenders this opportunity is rare and is usually a cut into, or through, the dead zone. A cut to the upside-down throw can be very effective at breaking the mark.
A more reliable method is to out-accelerate your opponent. The key here is to start faster and turn sharper as they attempt to catch up to your first moves. Changes in direction work best when they are done at break points. These are places to turn based on your position relative to the dead zone or based on your defenders speed relative to yours. When you are passing through the dead zone you have two cutting options that are opposites. In this area defenders are especially alert. As you exit the dead zone, the defender begins to expect only 1 pass, is striving to catch up, and often glances at the thrower to see the release. This is a break point. You should plant hard to get a good lean angle, increase your step rate for more power, and cut back to the other side. In general, break points occur as you move across the boundary of the dead zone. As you can imagine, cuts that alternate between throwing areas will give you the most advantage.
Break points can also occur anywhere on the field if the defender is accelerating to catch up. As your defender speeds up, their momentum exceeds yours. This gives you an opportunity to turn a tighter corner or reverse direction more quickly. The best break points come just as the accelerating defender reaches you. Since the defender is often out of sight, it can be difficult to determine the best time to turn. If you turn early, the defender has a chance to cut the corner and run a shorter distance than you. If you turn late the defender has already matched your speed has the same ability to turn. The ideal break point comes when the defender is as close as possible and still speeding up. A cut at this point will use their acceleration and reaction time against them to create the greatest separation.
Another break point occurs whenever the defender looks away from you. The defender often turns to see the release as you approach a throwing area. It is a perfect opportunity to go the other way. When you are positioning yourself on the field or in the end-zone the defender will often glance to check the field. Although your cutting opportunities may be limited at that moment, a quick move will force the defender to play catch-up. This will allow you to set them up as your opportunities expand.
One particularly rewarding method of obtaining separation is to trick the defender into creating a break point. Try cutting for the dump while calling for the disc. Then as the thrower fakes the dump, break hard up-field to the other throw. Obviously something must communicate to the thrower that you are faking the dump!
In general break points occur:
1) Where the defender's responsibility shifts
2) When a defender is very close and still accelerating to catch up.
3) When a defender looks away or loses concentration.
Approaching the Throwing area
The receiver must take into account the position of the throwing area when choosing the final direction of their cut. Cuts to the middle of the area allow the thrower the greatest space and time to deliver the pass. If the cut is toward the edge of a throwing lane the options are smaller and/or poachers are more likely. Throwers use visual cues to decide if the cutter is going to be open. Pick an approach to the throwing area that allows the thrower to judge the separation and relative speeds of the receiver and defender.
Expand your options
As the cutter moves around the field, the defender must work to maintain a proper defensive position. When your cuts include all three throwing areas, the defender's positioning responsibility keeps on shifting. The defender also needs to check on the disc location. This will provide the receiver with numerous break points and cutting opportunities and the job of defense becomes impossible.
Be Aggressive
Occasional bumping and blocking is a part of Ultimate. The cutter must be aggressive and attack the defender to get open. If the defender is properly positioned, it may seem to be a waste of effort to cut into an open throwing area. This is an illusion. If you fail to make a cut just because the defender has established position they have already beaten you.
One solution is to draw the defender into covering another throwing area, then using a break point to get open in your primary destination. Use the defender's expectations against them. String break points together in order to get enough separation if the defense is tenacious. This is the effectiveness of the triple cut.
Another possibility is to out-power the defender by getting them on their heels. Accelerate toward the defender. Just before the collision, step around them and go past. As they turn, you will get some separation.
If the thrower and cutter are communicating it becomes a game of two-on-one. Use an elbow point, raised eyebrow, or field map to establish synchrony. Then you can plan your cuts with confidence of the results. The thrower can use better fakes to shift the marker and fool the defender. The cutter can set up strong break points without worrying about an early throw. Often it leads to an easy completion just when the defense feels it needs a stopper. This can take the heart out of the defending team.
Common Errors
* Failure to use break points.
Often cutters will attempt to use changes in speed or minor changes in direction to get open. These rarely work unless there is a mismatch or the defender is out of position. An example is a cutback that flares out into the flat.
* No separation visible to thrower.
Cuts straight at or away from the thrower provide no visual clues to how open the cutter is or whether the defender is gaining or losing ground.
* Defender is drawn into the throwing lane.
This is caused by using a breakpoint too deep within a throwing area. The throwing area is then blocked by the defender for several seconds.
* Un-aggressive cutting. If you allow the defender to dictate you cuts, they have won.
* Not stringing cuts together. A single cut against a good defender is rarely successful. You will need to string together several cuts to accumulate separation.
One of the best ways to learn good ultimate is to watch the great players and figure out what it is they are doing. This is how the concept of power catching was developed. This is simply "go to the disc" taken to its limit. The most secure catch is the smothering of the disc in your center of gravity. It combines the security of the pancake catch, blocking with the body, and a firm grip on the rim. The premise of power catching is to position your body so this catch is always possible. This may entail sprinting faster or jumping higher than you might to just reach the disc with your outstretched hands. The end results of this approach are a) going to the disc, b) good positioning and c) secure, un-defendable receptions.
As in all power ultimate, planning and focus are the keys to success. The first step is to decide where the disc will first be catchable. This is reading the disc. Once you've decided where you will first be able to catch the disc, get there. Don't watch the disc. Don't run with an outstretched arm. These things will slow you down. Instead, put your head down and run to the spot you think the disc going to. When you get near, look again for the disc and fine tune your approach.
Plan your approach to the disc to establish position and allow an aggressive surge to the disc. Don't get there early and wait for the disc to arrive. That will allow the defender a more aggressive position. If you have arrived early enough, slow your approach and then attack the flight of the disc by accelerating toward it, positioning your body to smother the disc. This is the power part.
The final act of catching requires good hand eye coordination. This means looking the disc into your hands. The advice for hitting the baseball is "Keep your eye on the ball." A study done with professional baseball players showed they actually watch the baseball hit the bat when they were learning to hit a new pitcher. But when they became comfortable with the types of pitches thrown, they would look up at the last second. I think you will find that ultimate players also look away at the last second because are familiar with how a disc behaves. This leads to some drops when the disc, or the hand, isn't exactly where expected. A disc is considered caught when it stops spinning in your hand. At that instant the hotstamp becomes legible. If you want to catch every pass, read the hotstamp every time.
Now clearly you can't get perfect positioning for every catch. Some throws will be at the limit of your reach. Here are some tips to simplify the catch.
* Be aggressive towards the disc.
* Whenever possible, get two hands on the disc.
* If you can't get in front of the disc, don't try a pancake catch. Grab the rim instead.
* Try to get at least one hand on the rim, even when pancaking.
* Always read the hotstamp.
There is a special technique for catching with two hands when you are running toward a high, oncoming disc. This can be a difficult catch with the disc scooting between your palms or blocked from behind by a defender. Instead of attempting to grab the disc with two hands on the rim, block the disc with an open-faced right hand while grabbing the rim with the left hand. At the same time, palm the disc with your right hand. The open right hand performs several functions: blocks a strong throw so the disc can't push past your open palm, provides a larger area for contact if the wind shifts the disc unexpectedly, makes the left handed grab easier by killing momentum and reducing spin, blocks the defender from the disc, and allows you to palm the disc with your right hand. Even when you fail to catch the pass it will fall straight down and give you another opportunity for a reception.
Whenever you are practicing your throws, practice your catches. Position yourself properly for each catch. Look the disc into your hands. Read the hotstamp. This will give you increased confidence and ability for those tough catches in a tricky wind or with a defender on your back.
Marking is the action of defending the thrower. The marker has two conflicting goals: prevent a throw to a particular area of the field, and harass the thrower into making a mistake. The first goal is predicated on team coordination to accomplish a turnover. This is called establishing a force. The thrower is 'forced' by the marker to deliver a pass to a particular area of the field while down field defenders attempt to deny receivers that area. The second goal relies on individual effort by the marker to get a point block or stall. Both can be highly effective techniques.
The key to strong marking is in the stance. The proper stance affords power and balance that you can use to respond to, or even anticipate, thrower's actions. Spread your feet to about twice your shoulder width. Bend at the knees, so the weight is on the balls of your feet and your upper body is upright. Do not bend at the waist. This gives you a center of gravity above the midpoint between your feet and the leverage to move quickly in any direction. You want to be able to hop left or right along with the thrower without having to change your stance. Your arms should be out to your sides with the elbows tucked in, hands low, and your fingers splayed.
This position uses your strongest, fastest muscle groups when you move to attempt a block. You can quickly dart your hands to an unknown point of release or shift your position to block a throwing lane. Extended arms are harder to shift to the point of release and more easily anticipated by the thrower. Most throws go underneath the marker's arms. Until a thrower has beaten you with a high throw, keep your weight, and arms, low.
Once you have developed the proper stance, you need to practice moving with the thrower. This involves maintaining your stance while hopping to block the throwers potential release. Do not lunge, bend over, or lift your feet into the air. All these actions ruin your balance and limit your mobility. Use them only when the thrower is actually releasing the disc and you are attempting a point block.
The next step is learning the proper reactions to a throwers movements. There are only four basic moves: shift left, right, back, or forward. If the thrower is attempting to throw into the dead zone, the defender must step back . This helps the marker defend by giving more time to react to a pivot by or a released disc. It also prevents the thrower from obtaining a free release behind the defender. The marker must still remain active, shifting with the thrower as they attempt their throws into the dead zone. As throwing skills increase, this job becomes more difficult and the size of the dead zone shrinks. When the thrower turns to the side, away, the marker must step up to reduce the size of the throwing area and be in position to make a block. As the thrower attempts throws to either side, the marker must shift right or left to block the lanes.
After mastering of rapid shifts in position, you need to anticipate the throwers intentions. There are many resources to draw on here. First, be ready to respond to teammates requests. Second, use your peripheral vision and ears. Third, recognize the throwers patterns. Fourth, get inside the throwers head.
One advantage the marker has is always knowing where the thrower will be. Their pivot foot determines their location. The marker, however, can be anywhere. If given free reign to harass the thrower, move quickly and unexpectedly to different throwing lanes. Occasionally don't respond to the throwers movements. If the thrower is expecting a reaction this can throw him off stride.
When the marker is in a force defense, the primary responsibility is to prevent a pass into the dead zone. The marker should remain in the throwing lane to the weak side and still be very active. When the thrower attempts to break the mark, back up into the throwing lane. This gives you more time to respond to the throw and prevents the thrower from releasing the disc past the markers body.
Another thing to help your marking is to learn individual thrower's habits, such as noticing a penchant for the high backhand. We all have our rivals that we play frequently, so notice the types of throws and fakes the players you cover use. If they regularly throw over the marker, be ready to take a step back to make this more difficult. If they often step into the marker, be aware of that. If they always throw the low inside out forehand, be ready for that. There is no one perfect position to set up in. On some people you should set up as tightly as you are allowed, on others, you want to back up a little.
You can also make adjustments for the weather. If it is windy, be sure to stay low and force higher releases. This will expose the disc to more wind and occasionally force unstable release angles.
The most difficult skill in ultimate is throwing a complete pass while covered by a marker. You have about 8 seconds (the average stall count) to choose a receiver, fake the marker, and deliver the disc. To do all this you must remain calm and get control of the situation.
As a general strategy, your goals as a thrower should change as the stall count increases. Between "stall" and "six", you should look to gain yardage or continue the flow of the offense. Above "six", you should be looking for a sure pass close by that will reset the count. Between nine and ten, you need to be delivering the sure pass that you focused on for the past several seconds or be throwing a pass down field to an area where a teammate has a chance to catch it. Always be aware of the count and DO NOT GET STALLED.
When delivering a pass, look for three things: an open throwing area, an accelerating receiver, and non-closing separation between the defender and cutter. One reason 'come-back' cuts are often defended is because the thrower has a hard time determining the separation and relative speed of O and D players. As the pass enters the throwing area, it should be at a catchable height and speed, as well as providing the receiver a choice of locations to catch it. A bullet pass that intersects the receivers cut at a right angle has only one point in time and space where it could be caught. As such it is rarely a good pass.
When you recognize a throw you want to deliver, first decide if the marker is hindering you. If not, deliver the pass. But if the marker is in position and hampering your delivery you must first FACE THE MARKER. This gives you a minimum of three throwing options: forehand, backhand, and hammer. This is important because you need to force the marker to respond to fakes to get him out of position.
The same kind of concept used in cutting, breakpoints, are involved with your fakes. The object is to get the marker moving in one direction while you are setting up to move the other way. Once the marker falls behind, you control the situation. In order for fakes to be effective, your pivots need to be clean, fast, and powerful. To accomplish this you need to keep your steps short and be able to switch grips quickly. As you pivot into a fake, your arm should be moving in a natural throwing motion. When you push back the other way with your just planted foot, the throwing motion should continue to completion. This will hold the marker even as you move back in the other direction. Allow the disc to roll into the other grip at the end of your 'arm fake' and you are ready to throw to the other side in the blink of an eye. You should only extend past the marker on a pivot when they are out of position and you plan to deliver the pass. This step toward, and past, the marker will seal them from the throw.
One of the best tools for beating the marker is to communicate with the receiver. If you are starting with a dead disc, simple, disguised hand signals are the best way to communicate. My favorite is the 'elbow point' because everyone puts their hands on their hips anyway. It is never noticed as a signal at all! A simple field map will let you call out a player to a location. This will alert other players to clear that space for a throwing area. A critical, non-verbal, way is to use your fakes in conjunction with a receivers cut. If the receiver is breaking into a throwing area while covered, fake to him while maintaining eye-contact. Both the marker and the defender will react. A good receiver will use your fake as a breakpoint and cut directly to an alternate throwing area. Your fake on the marker will be effective for two reasons: first, you know it is a fake and are already pushing off to the other side, and second, markers are often aware of the activity behind them through peripheral vision or hearing and will make an extra effort if they detect the cutter.
Focus, fatigue, and skill are the three biggest factors in throwing errors. Careful attention to your technique will allow you to complete passes in difficult situations. This is crucial when fatigued. Remember that if you are tired, so is your opponent. The one that is able to remain focused on fundamentals will prevail. Casual throws that don't have a history of practice are often turnovers. Don't use a throw that you can't complete consistently (98+%) uncovered. One way to measure your skill is to throw the same pass 20 or 30 times in a row. What is your completion percentage? Probably not as high as you think!
One skill that is becoming more important is the ability to deliver a pass to the dead zone (break mark). This ability takes away the strengths of force defenses where the marker has one assignment. and down field defenders another. This is where strong pivoting, stepping past the marker and high releases come into play. Strong pivoting forces the marker to react until he's out of position and the previous dead-zone lays exposed to a free throw. Stepping past the marker gets your release point beyond his body and provides a free throw to anywhere on the field. High releases use the fact that the disc is past the marker before he can react.
Types of Throws
There are three basic types of throws in ultimate. The clockwise spin, the counterclockwise spin and the upside down throw. Being able to execute all three is crucial to being a successful thrower. Each throw has a gradation of release angles that determine the direction and shape of the flight. It is key to be able to throw with many different release angles. Try to remember that any throw is better with more spin.
Practicing throws
This is the first step to acquiring the throws you need. The most successful methods of practice include careful repetition combined with slight variation over time.
There are two basic grips for each throw which can generally be categorized as power grips and control grips. Power grips squeeze the disc tightly and are best for speed, distance and maximizing spin. Control grips are best for achieving quick releases and difficult release angles.
Throwing while marked
The keys to throwing while covered by a marker are to plan, pivot and fake. Ideally you will know the throw you want, especially if you have prior communication with the cutter. You can then plan a series of fakes and pivots (3 is a good number, remember the triple cut?) to get off the throw you want. Short pivots and quick fakes can be combined to give the illusion of a serious throw attempt. These can then be whipped into another throw while the marker is still shifting to cover your fake. Pivoting should be done with bent knees to maintain balance and power. Avoid large steps and leaning as they limit your potential for changing direction. One key to getting the throw you want is to step past the marker on your last pivot. This cuts the maker off from your release so you have a free throw
Making calls
The thrower has several calls to defend against an overly aggressive marker. These include "Straddle", "fast count", “double team”, "foul", and "strip". Know the rules governing these calls. Some common mistakes are:
* Not checking the disc after a stall
* Marker not going back 2 seconds on 1st Fast count or Double team call.
* Not calling fast count when the marker doesn’t start with “Stalling”.
* Throwing after making a call. Any throw made after a call is in jeopardy. If it is a turnover it will generally stay a turnover.
Always be aware of the stall count. Be sure to call the contact fouls that affect your pivots and releases. One tactic of an aggressive mark is to foul early to prevent throws and get a high stall count. However, a close mark is the most beatable mark. A good fake and a step past a close mark puts the release point behind the marker and is unstoppable. So if you feel you’re in control of the marker’s movements, don’t be quick to call fouls.
Once a call is made, the thrower should stop play. Determine the resolution of the call quickly and agree with the marker as to the stall count. Use the down time to establish communication with a cutter. Eye contact and elbow points work great here. When the marker is checking in the disc, be sure to face them squarely so you present all the throwing options and force the defenders to be prepared for all cuts and throws.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Open Black Team Roster
Here is the list of players on the White Bear Lake Ultimate Open Black Team:
Andrew G, Becky K, Bernard L, Brandon H, Chris S, Danny N, David C, Frank S, Jenna S, Katie C, Katie S, Kevin Y, Kiefer D, Kyle B, Kyle C, Matt O, Matt V, Mike M, Paul G, Rachel J, Seth D, Steve M, Zach H
The Black team is coached by Dylan Ballantine and Amanda Smullen. Player pictures can be found here.
Andrew G, Becky K, Bernard L, Brandon H, Chris S, Danny N, David C, Frank S, Jenna S, Katie C, Katie S, Kevin Y, Kiefer D, Kyle B, Kyle C, Matt O, Matt V, Mike M, Paul G, Rachel J, Seth D, Steve M, Zach H
The Black team is coached by Dylan Ballantine and Amanda Smullen. Player pictures can be found here.
Open Orange Team Roster
Here is the list of players on the White Bear Lake Ultimate Open Orange Team:
Alex W, Andy P, Brad E, Brian M, Britta J, Conor O, David B, Drew A, Eric A, Jake K, Jeff C, Joanna L, Jon P, Josh W, Justin B, Kanshee Y, Kelsey P, Kyle R, Luis G, Mark A, Nate K, Taylor P, Tom W
The Orange Team is coached by Ian Bartling and Kenny Auger and player pictures can be found here.
Alex W, Andy P, Brad E, Brian M, Britta J, Conor O, David B, Drew A, Eric A, Jake K, Jeff C, Joanna L, Jon P, Josh W, Justin B, Kanshee Y, Kelsey P, Kyle R, Luis G, Mark A, Nate K, Taylor P, Tom W
The Orange Team is coached by Ian Bartling and Kenny Auger and player pictures can be found here.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Some early season thoughts on catching basics
by Coach Dylan Ballantine
During this last captains meeting, we spent some time brainstorming what we thought were the essential basics of catching a disc. We think this is important for everyone to review- from the first time hucker to the most experienced coach on our team. Most anyone can manage to catch a dump, tossed lazily from five feet away. However, the principles behind catching a well thrown, up-field forehand or backhand are much more complicated. Beyond this, they're important, and well worth the reminder before the season gets in full swing. The biggest reason for this is safety- the disc is what you use to score, it is your baby, and it is also 175g of hard plastic flying directly towards your chest. We want everyone to feel safe while playing this sport. We will avoid complications such as catching a hammer or laying out for now, and will perhaps cover this later in the season. For now, let's explore some basics:
-First and foremost, catching the disc is about focus and anticipation. A very common mistake, one that I still find myself making, is to start thinking about something else right before I catch the disc. This could be many things- the throw I'm about to make, the wind or rain, the arc of the disc, the dinner waiting for me at home, or the defender right on my heels. It's very easy to get distracted, and we all do it. And then the disc hits us square in the hands, we fumble a little bit, and what may have been an easy catch gets away from us. So, we need to remind ourselves that no matter what happens, keep both eyes on the disc until you have COMPLETELY STOPPED ROTATION.
-Your hands should remain soft when catching. This is the anticipation piece of all of this. I hope this isn't a stretch of an analogy, but think of this like jumping on a bed. A mattress is a relatively solid surface, but it naturally still has some give to it, some cushion. If you are falling towards a mattress, your fall is broken ever so slightly by the fact that the mattress moves downward with you- it compresses, and in a way, it anticipates. Think again of this same fall, but this time, there's no mattress. Instead, you land directly on a hardwood floor. The floor has no cushion to it, it has no anticipation. This must be the same for your hands- the disc can't hit a brick wall, it needs to feel a little cushion. Please, no matter how cool it looks, catch the disc with two hands whenever possible.
-Speaking of using two hands, think very quickly about in what position your hands are in when you catch a disc above your head. Now- what if the disc was right at your chest, and what if it is below your waist? This sounds like a no-brainer, but it really is quite important. When you are catching a disc above your head, your thumbs should be facing down. When the disc is low, your thumbs should be facing up. The ideal situation is when the disc is right at your chest. In this instance, we can make a pancake catch, or catching it with one hand above the disc, and one below. This is the most efficient way of stopping the rotation, and also has the highest catch percentage.
-We've talked a little bit about what to do with your hands, and the actual mechanics of catching a disc. However, we are playing a sport, and with sport comes strategy, which means this is bound to get a little more complicated than playing catch in the backyard. We want to focus on ALWAYS being active until the catch is made. Your body plays a huge role in ultimate- you use it to maintain your personal space between you and your defender when catching a disc. You should focus on jumping a little bit if it means getting the core of your body in front of the disc. Remember, the highest catch percentage is when the disc hits you in the chest. Most importantly, remember to run THROUGH the disc. This means that you don't want to wait for the disc to come to you, because this gives your defender a precious few seconds to adjust and block the throw. Even if it means gaining a few less yards, run towards the disc to catch it with the core of your body, using your shoulders to maintain your space.
-Finally, I want to cover the importance of your teammates in all of this. You must always be communicating with your teammates, both on and off the field. Someone off the field may alert you to an approaching defender. If you make an exceptional cut, and this has given you some space between you and your defender, let the handler know! The handler could very well be looking somewhere else, trying to force a throw that isn't open. Help them out, clap your hands, whatever you've got to do.
I hope this helps a little bit, whether it is as a vehicle of education, or as a nice refresher going in to practice tomorrow. Please let me know if you have any questions!
Coach Dylan Ballantine
dylan.p.ballantine@ gmail.com
During this last captains meeting, we spent some time brainstorming what we thought were the essential basics of catching a disc. We think this is important for everyone to review- from the first time hucker to the most experienced coach on our team. Most anyone can manage to catch a dump, tossed lazily from five feet away. However, the principles behind catching a well thrown, up-field forehand or backhand are much more complicated. Beyond this, they're important, and well worth the reminder before the season gets in full swing. The biggest reason for this is safety- the disc is what you use to score, it is your baby, and it is also 175g of hard plastic flying directly towards your chest. We want everyone to feel safe while playing this sport. We will avoid complications such as catching a hammer or laying out for now, and will perhaps cover this later in the season. For now, let's explore some basics:
-First and foremost, catching the disc is about focus and anticipation. A very common mistake, one that I still find myself making, is to start thinking about something else right before I catch the disc. This could be many things- the throw I'm about to make, the wind or rain, the arc of the disc, the dinner waiting for me at home, or the defender right on my heels. It's very easy to get distracted, and we all do it. And then the disc hits us square in the hands, we fumble a little bit, and what may have been an easy catch gets away from us. So, we need to remind ourselves that no matter what happens, keep both eyes on the disc until you have COMPLETELY STOPPED ROTATION.
-Your hands should remain soft when catching. This is the anticipation piece of all of this. I hope this isn't a stretch of an analogy, but think of this like jumping on a bed. A mattress is a relatively solid surface, but it naturally still has some give to it, some cushion. If you are falling towards a mattress, your fall is broken ever so slightly by the fact that the mattress moves downward with you- it compresses, and in a way, it anticipates. Think again of this same fall, but this time, there's no mattress. Instead, you land directly on a hardwood floor. The floor has no cushion to it, it has no anticipation. This must be the same for your hands- the disc can't hit a brick wall, it needs to feel a little cushion. Please, no matter how cool it looks, catch the disc with two hands whenever possible.
-Speaking of using two hands, think very quickly about in what position your hands are in when you catch a disc above your head. Now- what if the disc was right at your chest, and what if it is below your waist? This sounds like a no-brainer, but it really is quite important. When you are catching a disc above your head, your thumbs should be facing down. When the disc is low, your thumbs should be facing up. The ideal situation is when the disc is right at your chest. In this instance, we can make a pancake catch, or catching it with one hand above the disc, and one below. This is the most efficient way of stopping the rotation, and also has the highest catch percentage.
-We've talked a little bit about what to do with your hands, and the actual mechanics of catching a disc. However, we are playing a sport, and with sport comes strategy, which means this is bound to get a little more complicated than playing catch in the backyard. We want to focus on ALWAYS being active until the catch is made. Your body plays a huge role in ultimate- you use it to maintain your personal space between you and your defender when catching a disc. You should focus on jumping a little bit if it means getting the core of your body in front of the disc. Remember, the highest catch percentage is when the disc hits you in the chest. Most importantly, remember to run THROUGH the disc. This means that you don't want to wait for the disc to come to you, because this gives your defender a precious few seconds to adjust and block the throw. Even if it means gaining a few less yards, run towards the disc to catch it with the core of your body, using your shoulders to maintain your space.
-Finally, I want to cover the importance of your teammates in all of this. You must always be communicating with your teammates, both on and off the field. Someone off the field may alert you to an approaching defender. If you make an exceptional cut, and this has given you some space between you and your defender, let the handler know! The handler could very well be looking somewhere else, trying to force a throw that isn't open. Help them out, clap your hands, whatever you've got to do.
I hope this helps a little bit, whether it is as a vehicle of education, or as a nice refresher going in to practice tomorrow. Please let me know if you have any questions!
Coach Dylan Ballantine
dylan.p.ballantine@ gmail.com
Saturday, March 21, 2009
2009 Coaching Staff

Marking 101
Marking is by far the most powerful defensive position on the field. There is no more important duty than to apply the force and not get broken. A break is any throw to goes to an area protected by the defense. A throw needn't go 'around' a marker to be considered a break.
- Your feet should be bouncing. A body in motion, tends to stay in motion. A body at rest tends to stay at rest. (Newton's First Law)
- Keep your feet directly under your center of gravity. If not, you will get schooled.
- Keep your hands low, real low. No, lower. Low hands are key to preventing the inside out to the break side.
- Use your eyes. Soak in all the information, watching their eyes, the disc, their hand position, their feet, their hips, their chest.
- Use your ears. Listen for your teammates. Your teammates are the eyes in the back of your head.
- Listen for the word "Strike!" Immediately shut off their up-the-line lane for 1 second. Then resume your previous force, all the while never forgetting your stall count.
- Listen for terms like "Coming In!" or "No Break!" or "No Deep!". This information will help you to tighten up your mark, shift your weight and hands to close off the break side, or switch to a straight up mark.
- Know and communicate the force to your teammates. Yell it and point to it.
- Be deceptive. Show the thrower a force and then switch to the real force 1 second later.
- Stagger your feet. It will allow you to control the forward/back motion, preventing a foul.
- Stagger your feet. Position one of your feet between the thrower. Get in there.
- Prepare for lateral movement, by engaging your leg muscles. Stay low, balanced, with your feet slightly more than hip-width apart. Stay on the balls of your feet.
- Apply pressure. Keep your hands back "blocking back" to prevent from fouling.
- Keep your head up and back. Observe the data, give yourself the benefit of a wide field of vision.
- Between you and the thrower, you are the one to control their actions and not them.
- Always begin your stall count by saying "Stalling One" Continue to loudly inform your team as to the stall count.
- You may begin your stall count when you are within ten feet of the player and the disc.
- If your opponent steps out of bounds with the disc, they are not granted a reprieve from the stall count. Start counting immediately after they catch the disc.
- Immediately after the pull, put the mark on and begin your stall count.
- Absolutely, do not wait for the other team to hover over the disc or check it in. Starting counting!
- When a disc is swung wide, you may need to "stop the bleeding" and prevent the up-the-line pass. Do this by over committing to the outside for 1 second. After you have "stopped the bleeding" you may resume your regular force. You should already be one second into your stall count.
- Once the disc is released, always, yell "Up!"
- If you get broken, yell "Broken!"
- Occasionally scan the field with brief glances over the force-side shoulder.
- Above else, markers must know and remember the force. Even if fatigue sets in, know and apply the force.
- Use a drop-step on the force, stepping back from the thrower
- Feet staggered, one forward, one back
- Shuffle laterally, but don't commit.
- To get a hand block, you'll need to go lower than appears necessary
- A markers responsibility is to reduce the choices, not to prevent every one of them.
- A break mark occurs when a thrower is able to get a pass off to the area on the field that the marker is trying to take away. The thrower needn't go around the marker for it to be considered a break.
- Head and torso are upright, leg muscles activated
- Load the springs by bending at the ankles & hips, activate your leg muscles.
- Position hands at or below knee level, palms facing the thrower
- Mark low, center of gravity
- Keep the force-side hand lower.
- Do not lunge out of position
- Be laterally explosive, improve core strength will help.
- Best not to reply on foot blocks. They're showy but usually risky and even detrimental. More acceptable at higher stall counts (7,8,9)
- Look at eyes, go ahead and glance occasionally at the force side.
- Sidelines to remind D of the force.
- Stay with the force for the entire point. Exceptions: Sideline for 1, Fire!, No Huck!, Strike!
Here are some of the forces your team could use and their purpose. From http://www.ultimatehandbook.com/uh/basics_defence.html:
* Force Middle: This force requires dividing the field into two equal sides (left and right). When the disc is on the right side you force left, when the disc is on the left side you force right. In the cases where the disc is in the middle, like off a pull, your team should just make a default force to avoid any confusions. Lastly, it's imperative that you call out the direction you are forcing every time you mark up. It's better to force the wrong way and have your teammates know, so always yell out the force. Forcing middle is a good way to confuse the offense, and can be very effective against vertical offense. On the other hand, forcing middle against a horizontal offense is usually not the wisest choice.
* Force Line (Trap): Forcing in the direction of the line is usually done when the disc is near the sideline, although you can treat it as a reverse force middle and force sideline at all times. Forcing sideline is especially useful when the offense is near the endzone and close to the sideline. Often, teams will neglect the dump and swing approach and will try to throw into the small opening.
* Force to a Particular Side: This is the most basic idea, as was discussed initially, force one direction so your defense can control the offensive flow.
* Force Wind: Forcing wind is similar to forcing to one side, except you force the team to make the "harder" throw. That is, if the wind is blowing hard left to right, the defense can make it harder for the offense to throw by forcing them in the direction of the wind (left). The direction you chose to force is really dependent on the type of wind, sometimes throwing into the wind is easier, so it's not a golden rule to force into the wind.
* Trap For One: Trapping is another word for forcing sideline when the disc is near the sideline. So, Trapping for One implies you force sideline until they get the throw off, and then you switch back to your original force. Trapping for One is often used in zones where you want to push the offense to the weak side (the side where the wind is blowing strongest). In a zone, this equates to giving the handlers the free throw to the weak side, and then switching the force and putting on a trap once the disc is on the sideline of the weak side.
* Force (Straight) Up: Forcing up, or straight up, means you don't force to the flick or backhand side but stand perpendicular to the sideline. This should cut off the hucks and force teams to make more modest gains by throwing shorter passes. Since the handler will have both sides to throw to it will be easier for the offensive cutters to get open, so the defense must adjust by "fronting" their checks. In most cases, forcing straight up is done on the first few passes to stop any huck plays, or in situations where the wind is blowing very strong.
- Your feet should be bouncing. A body in motion, tends to stay in motion. A body at rest tends to stay at rest. (Newton's First Law)
- Keep your feet directly under your center of gravity. If not, you will get schooled.
- Keep your hands low, real low. No, lower. Low hands are key to preventing the inside out to the break side.
- Use your eyes. Soak in all the information, watching their eyes, the disc, their hand position, their feet, their hips, their chest.
- Use your ears. Listen for your teammates. Your teammates are the eyes in the back of your head.
- Listen for the word "Strike!" Immediately shut off their up-the-line lane for 1 second. Then resume your previous force, all the while never forgetting your stall count.
- Listen for terms like "Coming In!" or "No Break!" or "No Deep!". This information will help you to tighten up your mark, shift your weight and hands to close off the break side, or switch to a straight up mark.
- Know and communicate the force to your teammates. Yell it and point to it.
- Be deceptive. Show the thrower a force and then switch to the real force 1 second later.
- Stagger your feet. It will allow you to control the forward/back motion, preventing a foul.
- Stagger your feet. Position one of your feet between the thrower. Get in there.
- Prepare for lateral movement, by engaging your leg muscles. Stay low, balanced, with your feet slightly more than hip-width apart. Stay on the balls of your feet.
- Apply pressure. Keep your hands back "blocking back" to prevent from fouling.
- Keep your head up and back. Observe the data, give yourself the benefit of a wide field of vision.
- Between you and the thrower, you are the one to control their actions and not them.
- Always begin your stall count by saying "Stalling One" Continue to loudly inform your team as to the stall count.
- You may begin your stall count when you are within ten feet of the player and the disc.
- If your opponent steps out of bounds with the disc, they are not granted a reprieve from the stall count. Start counting immediately after they catch the disc.
- Immediately after the pull, put the mark on and begin your stall count.
- Absolutely, do not wait for the other team to hover over the disc or check it in. Starting counting!
- When a disc is swung wide, you may need to "stop the bleeding" and prevent the up-the-line pass. Do this by over committing to the outside for 1 second. After you have "stopped the bleeding" you may resume your regular force. You should already be one second into your stall count.
- Once the disc is released, always, yell "Up!"
- If you get broken, yell "Broken!"
- Occasionally scan the field with brief glances over the force-side shoulder.
- Above else, markers must know and remember the force. Even if fatigue sets in, know and apply the force.
- Use a drop-step on the force, stepping back from the thrower
- Feet staggered, one forward, one back
- Shuffle laterally, but don't commit.
- To get a hand block, you'll need to go lower than appears necessary
- A markers responsibility is to reduce the choices, not to prevent every one of them.
- A break mark occurs when a thrower is able to get a pass off to the area on the field that the marker is trying to take away. The thrower needn't go around the marker for it to be considered a break.
- Head and torso are upright, leg muscles activated
- Load the springs by bending at the ankles & hips, activate your leg muscles.
- Position hands at or below knee level, palms facing the thrower
- Mark low, center of gravity
- Keep the force-side hand lower.
- Do not lunge out of position
- Be laterally explosive, improve core strength will help.
- Best not to reply on foot blocks. They're showy but usually risky and even detrimental. More acceptable at higher stall counts (7,8,9)
- Look at eyes, go ahead and glance occasionally at the force side.
- Sidelines to remind D of the force.
- Stay with the force for the entire point. Exceptions: Sideline for 1, Fire!, No Huck!, Strike!
Here are some of the forces your team could use and their purpose. From http://www.ultimatehandbook.com/uh/basics_defence.html:
* Force Middle: This force requires dividing the field into two equal sides (left and right). When the disc is on the right side you force left, when the disc is on the left side you force right. In the cases where the disc is in the middle, like off a pull, your team should just make a default force to avoid any confusions. Lastly, it's imperative that you call out the direction you are forcing every time you mark up. It's better to force the wrong way and have your teammates know, so always yell out the force. Forcing middle is a good way to confuse the offense, and can be very effective against vertical offense. On the other hand, forcing middle against a horizontal offense is usually not the wisest choice.
* Force Line (Trap): Forcing in the direction of the line is usually done when the disc is near the sideline, although you can treat it as a reverse force middle and force sideline at all times. Forcing sideline is especially useful when the offense is near the endzone and close to the sideline. Often, teams will neglect the dump and swing approach and will try to throw into the small opening.
* Force to a Particular Side: This is the most basic idea, as was discussed initially, force one direction so your defense can control the offensive flow.
* Force Wind: Forcing wind is similar to forcing to one side, except you force the team to make the "harder" throw. That is, if the wind is blowing hard left to right, the defense can make it harder for the offense to throw by forcing them in the direction of the wind (left). The direction you chose to force is really dependent on the type of wind, sometimes throwing into the wind is easier, so it's not a golden rule to force into the wind.
* Trap For One: Trapping is another word for forcing sideline when the disc is near the sideline. So, Trapping for One implies you force sideline until they get the throw off, and then you switch back to your original force. Trapping for One is often used in zones where you want to push the offense to the weak side (the side where the wind is blowing strongest). In a zone, this equates to giving the handlers the free throw to the weak side, and then switching the force and putting on a trap once the disc is on the sideline of the weak side.
* Force (Straight) Up: Forcing up, or straight up, means you don't force to the flick or backhand side but stand perpendicular to the sideline. This should cut off the hucks and force teams to make more modest gains by throwing shorter passes. Since the handler will have both sides to throw to it will be easier for the offensive cutters to get open, so the defense must adjust by "fronting" their checks. In most cases, forcing straight up is done on the first few passes to stop any huck plays, or in situations where the wind is blowing very strong.
The Mechanics of Throwing
The Basics:
*Grips, how they effect the throws, best support, etc.
*Rotation of body and disc
*Pivot Foot (which is proper according to the thrower's dominant hand) and planting of it
*Use your wrist, not your arm -> possible using a rope to help tie arm to torso and/or
throw under leg
*Placement/direction of hips and shoulders, and how they effect the direction of the disc
*Leading your receiver
*Eyes/Where eyes are looking
*Talking/using senses to communicate and Stall count calls/Ups
*Stepping out
*When to throw backhand versus a forehand (Can use Seattle Drill for this)
*Understanding the Force
*Use "Glass of water on disc" explanation to help with flat throws
*Watching the angle of the disc as it's in your hand
The Pull:
*Running start
*Greater rotation
*Forward momentum
*Over compensate the angle of the disc as it's released
Throwing Drills:
*Seattle/End Zone
*Box Drill
*Grips, how they effect the throws, best support, etc.
*Rotation of body and disc
*Pivot Foot (which is proper according to the thrower's dominant hand) and planting of it
*Use your wrist, not your arm -> possible using a rope to help tie arm to torso and/or
throw under leg
*Placement/direction of hips and shoulders, and how they effect the direction of the disc
*Leading your receiver
*Eyes/Where eyes are looking
*Talking/using senses to communicate and Stall count calls/Ups
*Stepping out
*When to throw backhand versus a forehand (Can use Seattle Drill for this)
*Understanding the Force
*Use "Glass of water on disc" explanation to help with flat throws
*Watching the angle of the disc as it's in your hand
The Pull:
*Running start
*Greater rotation
*Forward momentum
*Over compensate the angle of the disc as it's released
Throwing Drills:
*Seattle/End Zone
*Box Drill
Warmup Stretching Conditioning Cooldown
4 min - slow to moderate jog, go until you break a sweat
6 min - follow the leader
weaving, zigzags, skipping, crossover skipping
backward skips, skipping for height / distance
carioca, lunges, high knee walks
intervals: walk 15, jog 15, stride 15
medium intensity accelerators
10 min - flexibility training
ankle circles
toe / heal raises
toe / heal walks
team leg swings
hip circles
trunk circles & rotation
arms, wrists, shoulders, neck
20 min - speed, agaility, quickness, & functional strenth
abs, planks, canoes, situps, throwdowns
frog leaps, lunges, load the springs
adductor muscles
10 min - light jog & static stretching
hold for 45-60 seconds each
gluts, hamstings, quads, calves
water / nutrition
4 min - slow to moderate jog, go until you break a sweat
6 min - follow the leader
weaving, zigzags, skipping, crossover skipping
backward skips, skipping for height / distance
carioca, lunges, high knee walks
intervals: walk 15, jog 15, stride 15
medium intensity accelerators
10 min - flexibility training
ankle circles
toe / heal raises
toe / heal walks
team leg swings
hip circles
trunk circles & rotation
arms, wrists, shoulders, neck
20 min - speed, agaility, quickness, & functional strenth
abs, planks, canoes, situps, throwdowns
frog leaps, lunges, load the springs
adductor muscles
10 min - light jog & static stretching
hold for 45-60 seconds each
gluts, hamstings, quads, calves
water / nutrition
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
What should I pack in my Ultimate Bag?
Players, come prepared! One of the most popular questions I get is what to bring to practice. Here is a comprehensive list of what to pack in your Ultimate bag.

A) Socks (non-cotton preferred)
B) Cleats
C) Running/Indoor Shoes
D) Sun Hat
E) Visor
F) Warm Hat
G) Gloves
H) Water (two quarts minimum)
I) Fruit, Nuts, Energy Bars
J) Mosquito Juice
K) Sunscreen
L) Ibuprofen/Naproxen
M) Personal Medications
N) Prewrap
O) Tape
P) Shorts
Q) Dark Shirt (not grey)
R) White Shirt (not grey)
S) Ultimate Bag
T) Synthetic Underlayer - Pants
U) Synthetic Underlayer - Long Sleeve Top
V) Fleece/Warmth Layer
W) Waterproof Outerlayer (hood preferred)
X) 175g Disc

A) Socks (non-cotton preferred)
B) Cleats
C) Running/Indoor Shoes
D) Sun Hat
E) Visor
F) Warm Hat
G) Gloves
H) Water (two quarts minimum)
I) Fruit, Nuts, Energy Bars
J) Mosquito Juice
K) Sunscreen
L) Ibuprofen/Naproxen
M) Personal Medications
N) Prewrap
O) Tape
P) Shorts
Q) Dark Shirt (not grey)
R) White Shirt (not grey)
S) Ultimate Bag
T) Synthetic Underlayer - Pants
U) Synthetic Underlayer - Long Sleeve Top
V) Fleece/Warmth Layer
W) Waterproof Outerlayer (hood preferred)
X) 175g Disc
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Open A Team Roster
Congratulations to the following players, each who have earned their spot on the White Bear Lake Open A Team:
Andrew B, Ben C, Brent B, Brett G, Brian F, Brooke J, Bryan W, Charlie O, Colin O, Curtis C, Dan H, Eric C, Joe H, John L, Jon S, Matt M, Shane O, Travis D
The Open A Team will meet this Tuesday after school (March 10 @ 3:15) at Sunrise Park Middle School. The gymnasium may or may not be available. Regardless, we will discuss 1) captains, 2) team goals and 3) individual goals. Look for an email on Tuesday that explains more. Congratulations to each of you!
Players that have not been chosen for the Open A Team will automatically be added to one of two other White Bear Lake Open teams. As previously mentioned, the first practice will be held on March 23 at Sunrise Park Middle School for all three teams. More details within one week.
Andrew B, Ben C, Brent B, Brett G, Brian F, Brooke J, Bryan W, Charlie O, Colin O, Curtis C, Dan H, Eric C, Joe H, John L, Jon S, Matt M, Shane O, Travis D
The Open A Team will meet this Tuesday after school (March 10 @ 3:15) at Sunrise Park Middle School. The gymnasium may or may not be available. Regardless, we will discuss 1) captains, 2) team goals and 3) individual goals. Look for an email on Tuesday that explains more. Congratulations to each of you!
Players that have not been chosen for the Open A Team will automatically be added to one of two other White Bear Lake Open teams. As previously mentioned, the first practice will be held on March 23 at Sunrise Park Middle School for all three teams. More details within one week.
Friday, March 6, 2009
The Ultimate Mystery: Popular Sport Beats SATs at Ranking Universities Academically
Hey Bears, here's one more reason to play Ultimate. (as if you really needed one)
From: http://www.prweb.com/releases/ultimate/ranking/prweb431459.htm
A study being released September 1 of all private national universities shows that their ranking in Ultimate Frisbee edges out both SATs and grades as a predictor of academic performance! Those ranked in the top half for Ultimate have a graduation rate of over 85%, while those in the bottom half just 60%. The top seven have nearly as many Rhodes scholars and Marshall scholars as all others combined.
Seattle, WA (PRWEB) August 31, 2006 -- Move over SATs. Incredibly, for the high-powered and high-priced private national universities, the best predictor of academic excellence is rank in a popular sport.
Whether measured by graduation rate or prestigious scholarships – the result is the same. What is this sport that mysteriously divines a university’s stature so precisely? It’s called Ultimate Frisbee, or more commonly just Ultimate. It is the fastest growing college sport and is already played interscholastically at over 500 colleges and universities. While wildly popular on campuses, relatively few in the wider world have even heard of it.
A study (slated for release September 1) by Dr. Michael Norden shows that among all 86 private national universities, those ranking in the top half for Ultimate have a graduation rate of over 85%, while those in the bottom half graduate just 60%. The difference in the totals of Rhodes scholars and Marshall scholars among their graduates during this decade is even more dramatic – 208 versus 15. (The odds of this happening by chance are truly infinitesimal). Moreover, the top ten schools based on Ultimate ranking have a slightly higher mean graduation rate and more winners of top scholarships than schools chosen by - not only SATs, but any standard metric including: grades, faculty resources, and financial resources.
This correlation between Ultimate and academics has previously been obscured by the fact that there are no separate divisions in Ultimate, so that smaller private universities are historically ranked together with public institutions up to an order of magnitude larger. The pattern emerges clearly when comparing, over an adequate time frame, institutions of similar size and demographics (i.e. private national universities). Study ranking is based simply on the total of Power Rating points over the past ten years (assigned by the Ultimate Players Association) for all of a school’s open-division club teams.
Ultimate is a largely student-run club sport with minimal institutional support. Why a game, requiring such all-around athleticism should so consistently be dominated by universities (and presumably students) with off-the-chart academic credentials, is truly a mystery. The top seven schools for ultimate have a mean graduation rate of 95% and nearly as many total Rhodes and Marshal scholars as all of the rest combined. The names speak for themselves: Stanford, Brown, Harvard, Tufts, Dartmouth, Yale, and Princeton.
Dr. Norden is a Seattle psychiatrist and author of the book Beyond Prozac (Harper Collin/1995). Jeremy Norden collaborated in the study - he is a member of the world champion US National Juniors Ultimate team.
From: http://www.prweb.com/releases/ultimate/ranking/prweb431459.htm
A study being released September 1 of all private national universities shows that their ranking in Ultimate Frisbee edges out both SATs and grades as a predictor of academic performance! Those ranked in the top half for Ultimate have a graduation rate of over 85%, while those in the bottom half just 60%. The top seven have nearly as many Rhodes scholars and Marshall scholars as all others combined.
Seattle, WA (PRWEB) August 31, 2006 -- Move over SATs. Incredibly, for the high-powered and high-priced private national universities, the best predictor of academic excellence is rank in a popular sport.
Whether measured by graduation rate or prestigious scholarships – the result is the same. What is this sport that mysteriously divines a university’s stature so precisely? It’s called Ultimate Frisbee, or more commonly just Ultimate. It is the fastest growing college sport and is already played interscholastically at over 500 colleges and universities. While wildly popular on campuses, relatively few in the wider world have even heard of it.
A study (slated for release September 1) by Dr. Michael Norden shows that among all 86 private national universities, those ranking in the top half for Ultimate have a graduation rate of over 85%, while those in the bottom half graduate just 60%. The difference in the totals of Rhodes scholars and Marshall scholars among their graduates during this decade is even more dramatic – 208 versus 15. (The odds of this happening by chance are truly infinitesimal). Moreover, the top ten schools based on Ultimate ranking have a slightly higher mean graduation rate and more winners of top scholarships than schools chosen by - not only SATs, but any standard metric including: grades, faculty resources, and financial resources.
This correlation between Ultimate and academics has previously been obscured by the fact that there are no separate divisions in Ultimate, so that smaller private universities are historically ranked together with public institutions up to an order of magnitude larger. The pattern emerges clearly when comparing, over an adequate time frame, institutions of similar size and demographics (i.e. private national universities). Study ranking is based simply on the total of Power Rating points over the past ten years (assigned by the Ultimate Players Association) for all of a school’s open-division club teams.
Ultimate is a largely student-run club sport with minimal institutional support. Why a game, requiring such all-around athleticism should so consistently be dominated by universities (and presumably students) with off-the-chart academic credentials, is truly a mystery. The top seven schools for ultimate have a mean graduation rate of 95% and nearly as many total Rhodes and Marshal scholars as all of the rest combined. The names speak for themselves: Stanford, Brown, Harvard, Tufts, Dartmouth, Yale, and Princeton.
Dr. Norden is a Seattle psychiatrist and author of the book Beyond Prozac (Harper Collin/1995). Jeremy Norden collaborated in the study - he is a member of the world champion US National Juniors Ultimate team.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Tryouts for the Open A Team will take place March 3,4,6 at Sunrise Park Middle School.
Students will be judged in the following five drills: Sprint, Bleep, Three Cone Agility, Box and Surly. Students will also be judged on effort, previous attendance record, and coachability. All final decisions will be at Coach Hagen's discretion.
The best way make Open A Team is to always have a positive attitude, show up at every opportunity, and give it your very best effort.
Students will be judged in the following five drills: Sprint, Bleep, Three Cone Agility, Box and Surly. Students will also be judged on effort, previous attendance record, and coachability. All final decisions will be at Coach Hagen's discretion.
The best way make Open A Team is to always have a positive attitude, show up at every opportunity, and give it your very best effort.
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