Jeff Hagen started the White Bear Lake Ultimate program in 2006. He has been playing organized Ultimate since 1995 and coaching since 2002. Jeff served as Chairman of the Board of the Minnesota High School Ultimate League (MNHSUL) from 2008-2010, having previously served as the Ultimate Players Association Minnesota State Youth Coordinator (2006-2007). His mission as Chair of the MNHSUL was to continue to grow the size of the league, by providing quality opportunities year round and doubling the size of female participants. In the time, the league grew from 36 to 55 teams. In 2009, the MNHSUL organized for the first time, a Youth Summer Club League. The Minnesota High School Ultimate League is now the largest high school ultimate league in the country. Jeff is a UPA Level I (2006) and Level II Certified Coach (2007, 2009)
and is both Red Cross First Aid and CPR Certified. He is a proud recipient of the 2008 White Bear Lake Educational Foundation Excellence Award. By day, Jeff is the Manager of Software Applications Development VISI, Inc in Eden Prairie. Jeff Hagen can be contacted by email at wblultimate@yahoo.com or by phone at 651-341-9448.
Dylan Ballantine has been playing Ultimate for nine years, and is excited to be a first time coach. He graduated from St. John's University in 2008 with a degree in Theater. He has spent time working for several High School theater groups in the St. Cloud area. During the day, Dylan works as a Logistics Executive for Target. He can be reached by email at dylan.p.ballantine@gmail.com, or by phone at 320-309-5927.
Kenny Auger has been playing organized Ultimate for four years. He played for White Bear’s first ultimate team in spring of 2006. Later he captained the White Bear Ultimate team in the 2007 season and assisted with the team in the fall of 2008. Kenny has also been a captain in the Twin Cities Ultimate League. Kenny is a graduate from White Bear High School. He graduated in 2007 and is now a second year student at Northwestern College studying Social Studies Education. Kenny runs cross country at Northwestern College and will be the captain this coming fall of 2009. Kenny is also a volunteer with Student Venture assisting the White Bear Lake location. In-between classes Kenny works part time with Northwestern College’s Financial Aid Office. He can be reached by email at ultimateinchrist@hotmail.com or by phone at 651-783-6965.
Ian Bartling is a Sophomore at the University of Minnesota and looking at majoring in Education. His hobbies include playing guitar, snowboarding, being outside, and Ultimate. Ian started playing Ultimate in little back yard games with friends and started playing organized Ultimate in the fall and spring of his Senior year of high school. Since then, he has continued to play pickup Ultimate as often as possible. Despite not being on an organized team for the past two years, he has wanted to continue to refine his skills and progress at the sport of Ultimate. Despite being a competitive player, Ian strongly believes that having fun while playing is a top priority. Ian is looking forward to helping out this spring and hopes that he will be able to continue to progress along with all those who are playing for White Bear Lake Ultimate. Ian can be reached by email at bartl134@umn.edu or by phone at 651-249-3556.
Amanda Smullen has been playing Ultimate with White Bear Lake since 2006. During the 2007 season she was the assistant captain of the Ladies team, and she was the captain of the 2008 team. Amanda is currently finishing up her first year at Century College, where she is completing her Associate of Arts and Sciences degree before moving on to study International Business. In her free time Ms. Smullen enjoys photography and participating in Phi Theta Kappa activities. Amanda Smullen can be reached by email at ajsmullen119@yahoo.com or by phone at 651-335-6980.

Whitney Esson has been playing Ultimate for over 4 years now. She played for
White Bear Lake Area High School's girls team for 2 years, a captain her senior year, (2006-2007), the YCC girls summer team for 2 summers (2006-2007), and is currently playing for UW-Eau Claire's college womens team "Sol" (2007-present) and a TCUL summer team (2009-present). She is attending UW-Eau Claire with a major in
English - Creative Writing as well as a minor in
Anthropology. If she's not playing Ultimate, she loves writing and watching movies. She encourages competitive play, but never to lose the coveted Ultimate spirit! She can be contacted by email at
whitneyesson@yahoo.com or by phone at 612-387-8779.
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