Sunday, March 8, 2009

Open A Team Roster

Congratulations to the following players, each who have earned their spot on the White Bear Lake Open A Team:

Andrew B, Ben C, Brent B, Brett G, Brian F, Brooke J, Bryan W, Charlie O, Colin O, Curtis C, Dan H, Eric C, Joe H, John L, Jon S, Matt M, Shane O, Travis D

The Open A Team will meet this Tuesday after school (March 10 @ 3:15) at Sunrise Park Middle School. The gymnasium may or may not be available. Regardless, we will discuss 1) captains, 2) team goals and 3) individual goals. Look for an email on Tuesday that explains more. Congratulations to each of you!

Players that have not been chosen for the Open A Team will automatically be added to one of two other White Bear Lake Open teams. As previously mentioned, the first practice will be held on March 23 at Sunrise Park Middle School for all three teams. More details within one week.

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