Saturday, March 21, 2009

The Mechanics of Throwing

The Basics:
*Grips, how they effect the throws, best support, etc.
*Rotation of body and disc
*Pivot Foot (which is proper according to the thrower's dominant hand) and planting of it
*Use your wrist, not your arm -> possible using a rope to help tie arm to torso and/or
throw under leg
*Placement/direction of hips and shoulders, and how they effect the direction of the disc
*Leading your receiver
*Eyes/Where eyes are looking
*Talking/using senses to communicate and Stall count calls/Ups
*Stepping out
*When to throw backhand versus a forehand (Can use Seattle Drill for this)
*Understanding the Force
*Use "Glass of water on disc" explanation to help with flat throws
*Watching the angle of the disc as it's in your hand

The Pull:
*Running start
*Greater rotation
*Forward momentum
*Over compensate the angle of the disc as it's released

Throwing Drills:
*Seattle/End Zone
*Box Drill

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